Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Art Bliss Win!

When the September classes for the artBLISS retreat were announced, I commented on Jeanette's blog about how excited I was to attend this year.  I even blogged about it - not because I wanted to win the loot that she and Cindy Wimmer were giving away - I truly was excited to go!  But, then I found out that I was one of the winners!  I just received my gifts:

An awesome, super sturdy canvas bag with lots of loot!  The loot includes a brand new saw, saw blades, pro polishing pads (I LOVE these!), a respirator mask, a ring sizer, and Liver of Sulfur in a gel form.  I have never used the gel form, so I am anxious to try this out!  But the bag!  I will be using this bag to tote all of my tools for the artBLISS weekend retreat!  I am so grateful to these lovely ladies!

On Saturday, I will be taking the True Colors-Cold Worked Bezels & Colorful Camouflage class with the most awesome Kerry Bogert.  I took her lampwork bead class in 2010 and had such a wonderful time.  Her book, Totally Twisted, is what drew me into into wire-working in the first place, so I am truly looking forward to these new techniques.  Kerry has a new book coming out this summer (I believe in August) called Rustic Wrappings - I can't wait to get this book as well!
Photo courtesy of Kerry Bogert - from the artBLISS website

On Saturday evening, I will be taking the Making Heavy Metal Beads class with the ultra-talented Stacie Florer. I just love her work!  Look at these beads!  I cannot wait!
Photo of Stacie Florer's Heavy Metal Beads that I swiped off of the artBLISS website
On Sunday, honing my metal working skills will continue with Stacie, as I will be taking the Elemental Bracelet Workshop.  There are so many techniques going on in this bracelet that I get giddy just thinking about it!

photo courtesy of Stacie Florer - taken from the artBLISS website

There is a definite theme to all of the classes that I will be taking - so I would like to again thank Jeanette and Cindy for their wonderful gifts!  They will certainly come in handy!

Hope your weekend was wonderful, and thanks for stopping by!