Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crafter's Devotional-Trying to Spark my Creativity

Elisabeth (Beads for Busy Gals) and Patty (My Life Under the Bus) seem to be in the same boat that I am....I seem to have lost my inspiration, which led me to think "did I ever really have any inspiration in the first place?:  Scary thoughts...

So, I joined their group aptly entitled Crafter's Devotional (click on Elisabeth's link above to read about it). I bought the book from, because I am the laziest person in the world and HATE driving anywhere in Northern Virginia.  Those who live in this area feel my pain.  I received the book the other day.  While I have not had a ton of time to read it, I have paged through it.  The book tells me to "Write a Journal".  Hello?  Do you know how long it took me to just start this blog????

But, I actually got in my car, went to Staples, and bought a Journal today.  It's plain - not decorative by any means, and it may even stay that way.  But it's a start.  I even have thoughts of what my Journal posts will include.  Of course, until I actually sit down and write in it, they are just thoughts.

But, I am proud of myself nonetheless...'cause I bought a Journal.